|tSetupTitle|Star Trek: Starfleet Command |tHelp|Help |tGameType|Select Game Type |tCopyright|Copyright 1998 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. |bCampaign|Begin Campaign |bSkirmish|Skirmish |bContinue|Continue |bMultiplayer|Multiplayer |bQuickStart|Quick Start |bHOF|Hall of Fame |bCredits|Credits |bExit|Exit |tCampaignTitle|Campaign Startup |tRace|Select Race |tUniverse|Select Universe |tDifficulty|Select Difficulty |tPlayerName|Input Name |tStatus|Initial Status |tShip|Initial Ship |bOptions|Options |bGalactic|Galactic Relations |bLoad|Load |bCommence|Start Game |tSkirmishTitle|Skirmish Startup |tPlayer|Player |tName|Name |tTeam|Team |tShips|Ships |tCD|CD |tBPV|BPV |tDetails|Details |bCancel|Cancel |bStart|Start |bBack|Back |tMission|Type of Game: |tBPVLimit|BPV Limit: |tVictoryCond|Victory Conditions: |tMap|Map: |tBlow|Blow Away |tBridgeOff1|Engineering |tBridgeOff2|Helm |tBridgeOff3|Comm |tBridgeOff4|Weapons |tBridgeOff5|Science |StarbaseTour|Welcome to the space station. From here you can visit any of the following locations: ||The Academy: The Academy offers new recruits a safe place to train. These missions are simulated. Tutorial missions will teach you the basics of the game or give you training in race-specific special systems. Technical missions will test your skills. ||Rank & Medals: Any medals that you have earned are stored here for safekeeping. You can also keep track of your career growth. This screen shows your current rank, and the amount of lifetime prestige required to advance in rank. Elite organization applications are also submitted here. ||Recruitment Office: Any officers awaiting orders will be found in this office. You can use your prestige to request their transfer to your ship. The amount of prestige required depends on the known skill set and experience of the officer in question. ||Vessel Library: You can use our computer system to request information about known alien starships. From shield strength to weapon layouts to the number of transporters, we keep track of it all. We also have all of our currently available starships in the database. ||Shipyard: When you need to make major repairs or refits to your ships, come to the Shipyard. You can repair structural damage here or see if the latest refit is available to improve your ship. Also, if you are of high enough rank, you can request the use of additional ships in your task force. ||Spacedock: After combat engagements, you need to rearm your weapons or replenish combat stores, so visit the Spacedock. You can purchase additional marines, mines, missiles, and shuttles. Your heavy weapons can also be repaired and rearmed. ||Galactic News/Map: Our space station news center will keep you abreast of current events in the galaxy. You can also see the galactic map. Using the map, you can request a transfer to another sector. Information about the galactic empires is available using the map. ||New Mission: This is the mission briefing room. Here you will learn about your next mission, see a tactical map using the available intelligence and get a briefing that will explain your mission and orders. Depending on the nature of the mission, you might be able to visit Spacedock after the briefing. ||Not all options will be available at all times. Any options that are not available will be dimmed out. |SelfDestruct|***Self-destruct Sequence Initiated*** |CanDestruct|Self-destruct sequence aborted |ProgDestruct|Self-destruct sequence in progress |HullName|Frigate ||Destroyer ||Light Cruiser ||Heavy Cruiser ||Dreadnought ||Freighter ||Starbase ||Base Station ||Battle Station ||Listening Post ||Defense Platform ||Star Dock ||Monster ||Monster ||Monster ||Monster ||Monster ||Monster ||Mine ||Fighter ||Shuttle ||Planet ||Moon ||Star ||Asteroid ||Plasma Torpedo ||Missile ||Bodies ||Fissure ||Black Hole ||Worm Hole ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Shuttle ||Cargo Box ||Unknown |Powerup|Ship Computer Online ||Ship Security Status Normal ||Life Support Systems Online ||Shields Online ||Bridge Officers On Duty ||Internal Systems Online ||%ShipSys:Weapon% Online ||Tactical Display Ready ||%ShipSys:Weapon% |ShipSys|Photon ||PhotonFighter ||Disruptor 1 ||Disruptor 2 ||Disruptor 3 ||Disruptor 4 ||DisruptorFighter ||Fusion ||FusionFighter ||Hellbore ||HellboreFighter ||Plasma R ||Plasma S ||Plasma G ||Plasma F ||Plasma I ||Plasma D ||ESG ||PPD ||Shuttle Weapon ||Fighter Bay ||Missile Rack A ||Missile Rack B ||Missile Rack C ||Missile Rack D ||Missile Rack E ||Missile Rack F ||Missile Rack G ||Missile Rack H ||Missile Rack Fighter1 ||Missile Rack Fighter4 ||Optional ||Optional W ||Phaser 1 ||Phaser 2 ||Phaser 3 ||Phaser G ||Phaser 4 ||AMD 6 ||AMD 12 ||AMD 30 ||ShieldGenerator ||ForeShield ||RightForeShield ||RightAftShield ||AftShield ||LeftAftShield ||LeftForeShield ||Cloak ||Probes ||Missiles ||ShuttleBay ||Armor ||HullGroup ||ForwardHull ||CenterHull ||AftHull ||Cargo ||Barracks ||EngineGroup ||LeftWarp ||RightWarp ||CenterWarp ||Impulse ||APR ||Battery ||BridgeGroup ||Bridge ||FlagBridge ||EmergencyBridge ||Security ||Lab ||Transporters ||TractorGroup ||MechTractors ||Tractors ||SensorGroup ||Sensors ||Scanners ||SpecialSensors ||DamageControlGroup ||DamageControl ||InternalRepair ||ExcessDamage ||AuxilliaryControl ||OfficerGroup ||EngineeringOfficer ||SecurityOfficer ||WeaponsOfficer ||HelmOfficer ||CommunicationsOfficer ||ScienceOfficer ||CaptainOfficer |WeaponsNames|Photon ||Disruptor 1 ||Disruptor 2 ||Disruptor 3 ||Disruptor 4 ||Fusion ||Hellbore ||Plasma R ||Plasma S ||Plasma G ||Plasma F ||ESG ||PPD ||Shuttle Weapon ||ST1 Fighter ||ST2 Fighter ||STH Fighter ||Missile Rack A ||Missile Rack B ||Missile Rack C ||Missile Rack D ||Missile Rack E ||Missile Rack F ||Missile Rack G ||Missile Rack H ||Optional ||Optional W ||Phaser 1 ||Phaser 2 ||Phaser 3 ||Phaser G ||Phaser 4 |MissileType|1S ||2S ||3S ||4S ||5S ||1M ||2M ||3M ||4M ||5M ||1F ||2F ||3F ||4F ||5F ||1XL ||2XL ||3XL ||4XL ||5XL ||1MX ||2MX ||3MX ||4MX ||5MX |RackType|A ||B ||C ||D ||E ||F ||G ||H |AsteroidName|Asteroid ||NO-NAME |CameraLock|Camera lock on target disabled ||Camera lock on target enabled |ShipType|Wpn ||Alert |MissionType|Campaign ||Tutorial ||Technical ||Historical ||Multiplayer |FilmDetail|Title: %title% ||Map: %missionmap% ||Type: %missiontype% ||Race: %racetype% ||Size: %filesize% |Loading|Loading... |Hullwarning|Warning: Ship hull integrity has Broken Down! |DustCldWarning|Warning: Entering Dust Cloud Area! |MineStatus|Out of Mines! ||Next Mine not Ready! ||Can't lay mine during erratic maneuvers |Destroyed|%Name% has been destroyed! |ModifiedData|%Name% is using modified data |HnRDestroy|Hit and Run Target Destroyed! |MissileLost|Missile lost due to control limit! |ShipCaught|Warning: Ship caught in explosion blast! |TargetRange|Target out of range! |NoFireCloak|Cannot fire when cloaked! |GeneralFail|Cannot fire due to general systems failure! |NoLockOn|Cannot fire seeking weapons without a lock on! |ShuttleWarning|No Shuttle Selected! ||Can't deploy shuttles in a nebula! ||Can't deploy shuttles while tractored! ||Shuttle bay not ready! ||Shuttle bay destroyed! |WeaselWarning|Warning: Slow ship to under speed four to avoid decoy shuttle loss! ||Decoy shuttle effects lost due to excess speed! ||Decoy shuttle lost due to erratic maneuvers ||Decoy shuttle effects lost due our weapons fire! ||Decoy shuttle lost! |TransWarn|Transporters can't be used in nebula! ||Transporters can't be used while cloaked! ||Transporters can't be used now ||Transporters not ready ||Transporters destroyed ||Cannot beam to this target |TractorWarn|Cannot engage. Target under the effect of a Decoy Shuttle! |FleetAttackTgt|Attacking target |FleetCaptureTgt|Capturing target |FleetDisableTgt|Disabling target |FleetEscortTgt|Escorting target |FleetEscortMe|Escorting you |FleetGotoLoc|Leaving for designated location |CaptureWarning|Objective complete. Target Captured ||We have regained control. Ready to fight sir! |ErraticSeeking|Can't fire seeking weapons while performing erratic maneuvers! ||Missile guidance lost due to erratic maneuvers |ESGWarning|ESGs cannot function in nebula! |HUDText|Speed ||Distance ||Game speed adjusted by ||Game speed now ||k, Speed: ||Number of Tribbles: ||Range: ||Speed: ||'s ||'s ship data differs from ||NoName ||'s script differs from |RaceName|Federation ||Klingon ||Romulan ||Lyran ||Hydran ||Gorn ||ISC ||Mirak ||Orion ||Race |RaceNamePlural|Federation ||Klingons ||Romulans ||Lyrans ||Hydrans ||Gorn ||ISC ||Mirak ||Orions ||Races |Surrender|%RaceName:Race1% has surrendered to %RaceName:Race2% |WarStarted|War has broken out between %RaceName:Race1% and %RaceName:Race2% |FirstContact|First Contact -- %RaceName:Race1% and %RaceName:Race2% |WarOver|War ended -- %RaceName:Race1% and %RaceName:Race2% |EconDown|Economy downturn -- %RaceName:Race% |EconStag|Economy stagnant -- %RaceName:Race% |EconRocky|Economy rocky -- %RaceName:Race% |EconUp|Economy picking up -- %RaceName:Race% |EconHum|Economy humming -- %RaceName:Race% |EconBoom|Economy booming -- %RaceName:Race% |GovFrag|Government fragmenting -- %RaceName:Race% |GovLosing|Government losing support -- %RaceName:Race% |GovDisfavor|Government fallen into disfavor -- %RaceName:Race% |GovRespect|Government respected -- %RaceName:Race% |GovLauded|Government lauded -- %RaceName:Race% |GovHerald|Government heralded -- %RaceName:Race% |WarSuccess|Campaign successes -- %RaceName:Race% |WarDefeats|Defeats in battle -- %RaceName:Race% |WarLoseMom|Losing war momentum -- %RaceName:Race% |WarGainMom|Gaining war momentum -- %RaceName:Race% |WarVics|Victories in battle -- %RaceName:Race% |WarLosses|Campaign losses -- %RaceName:Race% |Coup|Coup -- %RaceName:Race% |FracPol|Fractious politics -- %RaceName:Race% |NewLead|Powerful new leader -- %RaceName:Race% |Marriage|Royal marriage -- %RaceName:Race% |GoldAge|Golden Age -- %RaceName:Race% |Nova|Super Nova -- %RaceName:Race% |Plague|Plague -- %RaceName:Race% |Famine|Famine -- %RaceName:Race% |MinDeplete|Minerals depleted -- %RaceName:Race% |MinDisc|Minerals discovered -- %RaceName:Race% |AlienInv|Alien Invasion -- %RaceName:Race% |EconStarve|Starving economy -- %RaceName:Race% |Depression|Economic depression -- %RaceName:Race% |PiracyRampant|Piracy rampant -- %RaceName:Race% |FreeTrade|Interstellar free trade -- %RaceName:Race% |LessezFaire|Lessez-Faire economics -- %RaceName:Race% |EconThrive|Thriving economy -- %RaceName:Race% |Revolution|Bloodless revolution -- %RaceName:Race% |SocSchism|Social schism -- %RaceName:Race% |Hegemony|Imperial Hegemony -- %RaceName:Race% |MissLoc|The mission is to take place in the %SectorName:Sector% Sector |MissType|Your next mission type is %Mission% |MissResult|The last mission was %Result% |SectorName|Federation Core ||Federation Unexplored ||Federation-Klingon Colonial ||Federation-Romulan Colonial ||Federation-Lyran Colonial ||Federation-Gorn Colonial ||Federation-Klingon-Romulan Colonial ||Federation-Klingon-Lyran Colonial ||Federation-Romulan-Gorn Colonial ||Federation-Klingon Border ||Federation-Romulan Border ||Federation-Lyran Border ||Federation-Gorn Border ||Federation-Klingon-Romulan Border ||Federation-Klingon-Lyran Border ||Federation-Romulan-Gorn Border ||Klingon Core ||Klingon Unexplored ||Klingon-Federation Colonial ||Klingon-Lyran Colonial ||Klingon-Hydran Colonial ||Klingon-Federation-Romulan Colonial ||Klingon-Federation-Lyran Colonial ||Klingon-Lyran-Hydran Colonial ||Klingon-Federation Border ||Klingon-Lyran Border ||Klingon-Hydran Border ||Klingon-Federation-Romulan Border ||Klingon-Federation-Lyran Border ||Klingon-Lyran-Hydran Border ||Romulan Core ||Romulan Unexplored ||Romulan-Federation Colonial ||Romulan-Gorn Colonial ||Romulan-Federation-Klingon Colonial ||Romulan-Federation-Gorn Colonial ||Romulan-Federation Border ||Romulan-Gorn Border ||Romulan-Federation-Klingon Border ||Romulan-Federation-Gorn Border ||Lyran Core ||Lyran Unexplored ||Lyran-Federation Colonial ||Lyran-Klingon Colonial ||Lyran-Hydran Colonial ||Lyran-Federation-Klingon Colonial ||Lyran-Klingon-Hydran Colonial ||Lyran-Federation Border ||Lyran-Klingon Border ||Lyran-Hydran Border ||Lyran-Federation-Klingon Border ||Lyran-Klingon-Hydran Border ||Hydran Core ||Hydran Unexplored ||Hydran-Klingon Colonial ||Hydran-Lyran Colonial ||Hydran-Klingon-Lyran Colonial ||Hydran-Klingon Border ||Hydran-Lyran Border ||Hydran-Klingon-Lyran Border ||Gorn Core ||Gorn-Federation Colonial ||Gorn-Romulan Colonial ||Gorn-Federation-Romulan Colonial ||Gorn-Federation Border ||Gorn-Romulan Border ||Gorn-Federation-Romulan Border |RaceRanks|Lt. Commander ||Commander ||Captain ||Commodore ||Rear Admiral ||Lt. Commander ||Commander ||Captain ||Commodore ||Rear Admiral ||Ante-Tribune ||Tribune ||Sub-Commander ||Commander ||Sub-Admiral ||Lt. Commander ||Commander ||Captain ||Commodore ||Sub Commander ||Commander ||Captain ||Commodore ||Third Admiral ||Sr. Commodore ||Jr. Commander ||Sr. Commander ||Jr. Captain ||Sr. Captain ||Commodore ||Lieutenant ||Commander ||Captain ||Commodore ||Admiral ||Sub-Commander ||Commander ||Captain ||Group Captain ||Fleet Captain ||Rank |RaceCommands|Starfleet ||High Council ||Senate ||Clan Elders ||His Highness ||Navy Command ||Orion Command ||Neutral Command ||Monster Command ||Mirror Command |SunNames|Sun |PlanetNames|Planet |SystemNames|Kariziban ||Lodash ||Heimdell ||Mehm ||Drago ||Volanus ||Maaz ||Gomeisa ||Rasalgethi ||Synton ||Verlos ||Magi ||Farnuda ||Ontosil ||Lost Hope ||Gateway ||Bestari ||Zevarus ||Alpheratz ||Mirach ||Almach ||Adhil ||Sadal ||Sadan ||Sadachbia ||Skat ||Ancha ||Situla ||Seat ||Altair ||Alshain ||Tarazed ||Choo ||Hamal ||Sheratan ||Mesarthrim ||Botein ||Capella ||Menkalinan ||Prijipati ||Maaz ||Sadatoni ||Arcturus ||Nekkar ||Seginus ||Muphrid ||Alkalurops ||Acubens ||Tarf ||Asellus ||Asellus ||Tegmeni ||Cor ||Chara ||Sirius ||Murzim ||Muliphein ||Wezen ||Adhara ||Furud ||Aludra ||Procyon ||Gomeisa ||Dabih ||Nashira ||Deneb ||Canopus ||Miaplacidus ||Koo ||Avior ||Scutulum ||Schedar ||Caph ||Tsih ||Ruchbah ||Segin ||Achird ||Rigel ||Hadar ||Muhlifain ||Menkent ||Alderamin ||Alfirk ||Er ||Kurhah ||Menkar ||Diphda ||Kaffaljidhm ||Baten ||Schemali ||Mira ||Phact ||Wezn ||Tsze ||Gemma ||Nusakan ||Alchibah ||Kraz ||Gienah ||Algorab ||Minkar ||Alkes ||Acrux ||Mimosa ||Gacrux ||Deneb ||Albireo ||Sadr ||Gienah ||Ruchba ||Sualocin ||Rotanev ||Deneb ||Thuban ||Rastaban ||Eltanin ||Nodus ||Tyl ||Kaou ||Edasich ||Giauzar ||Arrakis ||Kuma ||Grumium ||Alsafi ||Dziban ||Kitalpha ||Achernar ||Cursa ||Zaurak ||Rana ||Azha ||Acamar ||Castor ||Pollux ||Almeisan ||Wasat ||Mebsuta ||Mekbuda ||Propus ||Tejat ||Ras ||Kornephoros ||Sarin ||Maasim ||Marfik ||Cujam ||Alphard ||Ukdah ||Regulus ||Denebola ||Zozma ||Ras ||Adhafera ||Chort ||Tsze ||Alterf ||Rasalas ||Praecipula ||Arneb ||Nihal ||Zuben ||Mulu-lizi ||Zubenhakrabi ||Vega ||Sheliak ||Sulafat ||Aladfar ||Ras ||Cheleb ||Yed ||Yed ||Sabik ||Marfik ||Betelgeuse ||Rigel ||Bellatrix ||Mintaka ||Alnilam ||Alnitak ||Na'ir ||Saiph ||Heka ||Thabit ||Markab ||Scheat ||Algenib ||Enif ||Homam ||Matar ||Baham ||Sadalbari ||Mirfak ||Algol ||Menkib ||Atik ||Ankaa ||Fum ||Fomalhaut ||Naos ||Asmidiske ||Rukbat ||Arkab ||Kaus ||Kaus ||Ascella ||Kaus ||Nunki ||Antares ||Graffias ||Dscubba ||Sargas ||Shaula ||Jabbah ||Lesath ||Jabhat ||Unuk ||Chow ||Alya ||Aldebaran ||Primus ||Ain ||Alcyone ||Atlas ||Electra ||Maia ||Merope ||Taygeta ||Pleione ||Celaeno ||Asterope ||Mothallah ||Atria ||Dubhe ||Merak ||Phad ||Megrez ||Alioth ||Mizar ||Alcor ||Alkaid ||Talitha ||Tania ||Alula ||Muscida ||Polaris ||Kochab ||Pherkab ||Yildun ||Suhail ||Markab ||Suhail ||Tseen ||Spica ||Zavijava ||Porrima ||Auva ||Vindemiatrix ||Heze ||Zaniah ||Syrma |ClassNames|shuttle ||freighter ||carrier ||frigate ||destroyer ||war destroyer ||light cruiser ||new heavy cruiser ||heavy cruiser ||heavy battlecruiser ||dreadnought ||battleship ||basestation ||battlestation ||starbase ||monster ||planet ||special |MissionDate|Last Mission Date: %LastDate% |StarDate|Current Date: %CurrDate% |Prestige|Prestige: %Amount% |PlayerRank|Player Rank: |NewPrestige|New Prestige Total: |BonusPrestige|Bonus Prestige: |BonusPenalty|Balance Adjustment: |PrestigeGained|Prestige Gained: |MissionTime|Mission Time: %Time% |AlliedFltLoss| Allied fleet losses: |EmyFleetLoss| Enemy fleet losses: |PlayerFltLoss| Player fleet losses: |AlliedFltShEff| Allied fleet's shield efficiency: |IntDmgAlliedFl| Total internal damage scored on Allied fleet: |DmgAlliedFleet| Total damage scored on Allied fleet: |EmyFltShldEff| Enemy fleet's shield efficiency: |IntDmgEmyFleet| Total internal damage caused to Enemy units: |DmgEnemyFleet| Total damage scored on Enemy units: |PlayerFltShEff| Player fleet's shield efficiency: |IntDmgPlayerFlt| Total internal damage scored on Player fleet: |DmgPlayerFleet| Total damage scored on Player fleet: |NoShipName|None |VesselShipName|%designation% - %ShipFullName% ||Refit: %RefitName% / Date introduced: %Date% |VesselStats|DESIGNATION: %designation% ||BPV: %bpv% ||MOVEMENT RATIO: %moveratio% ||TURNING CLASS: %turningclass% ||CREW: %crew% ||MARINES: %marines% ||TOTAL WARP POWER: %warp% ||IMPULSE POWER: %impulse% ||AUXILIARY POWER: %auxiliary% ||TOTAL ENGINE POWER: %engine% ||BATTERY: %battary% ||TRANSPORTERS: %transporters% ||TRACTORS: %tractors% ||SHUTTLES: %shuttles% ||FIGHTERS: %fighters% ||CLOAKING COST: %cloaking% |WeaponCount|%count%x %ShipSys:shipNdx% |MsnIncomp|Mission incomplete. |CmpComplete|Campaign completed! |MissionFail|Mission failed. |MissionComplete|Mission complete. |FedVOText|The ships of the Federation Starfleet offer the best balance available between firepower and maneuverability. Both the ISC and the Gorn Star Empires have more powerful armaments than do Federation ships, while Klingon and some Romulan ships are far more maneuverable; but no one else has such a flexible balance between the two. Federation ships are able to take better than average damage; their shields recharge very rapidly; and Federation ships have an advantage in scanner range. ||The United Federation of Planets is a group of races including Humans, Vulcans and numerous other planetary states. ||This federation is more interested in scientific exploration than conquering the galaxy. Unfortunately political situations almost always ensure hostilities with one or more of their neighbors. ||Federation ships are well balanced, with strong hulls and powerful weapons that are most effectively used in delivering large amounts of damage to an enemy ship in a short period of time. Numerous high-quality phasers along with slow-charging but powerful photon torpedoes are standard on most ships. |KlnVOText|The Klingons are the sharks of the Galaxy. Their starships, class for class, are the most maneuverable of any race. A small number of other ships - like a few of the Romulan designs - can match them: but none can beat them. Klingon ships are intended for offense, not defense. They are fast, responsive, and heavily armed - but they're not strongly shielded, and they have weaker internal systems than their enemies. ||The Klingon Empire is a small group of races ruled strongly by the Klingon race. Klingons are best known for their ferocity and a sense of honor. ||The Klingon government dedicates most of its resources to the military. This is caused by their hostile temperament putting them at war with most of their galactic neighbors. ||Most Klingon ships are specialized to cruise at medium range, and snipe with their quick-charging disruptors. Klingon phasers are generally shorter-ranged until refitted with a more modern type. Missiles are used to supplement their weaponry and draw enemy fire. |RomVOText|Initially many discount the Romulan starship. This is often the first and the last mistake they make. The Romulans are the muggers of the Galaxy. Romulan starships are typically more fragile then their counterparts. They make up for that with the ability to cloak and to use their massively powerful plasma torpedoes. With few exceptions, all Romulan ships can cloak and almost all of them carry a plasma torpedo of some type. ||The Romulan Star Empire consistently tries to extend their territory. Romulans are a clever, cunning, and aggressive race, and their ships are made in the same manner. ||The Cloaking Device allows them to get close to other ships with little fear of being fired upon. This technique allows them to use their very powerful Plasma Torpedoes, for maximum effect. ||Romulan captains must be very careful, however because these large torpedo weapons take a lot of time and energy to charge up. Their optimal battle technique is to begin cloaked, and to close with the enemy, then decloak and do as much damage as possible in the initial attack, then duck away from the return fire. ||This hit and run technique allows the best use of the ship's available energy. The amount of energy required to cloak is generally high enough that it slows the cloaked ship to a crawl or slows the recharging of weaponry. |LynVOText|The Lyrans are a technically superior race, equal to the Federation in technology. They are unique in that they utilize a system called the Expanding Sphere Generator (ESG), which is an offensive and defensive tool. Lyrans are also the inventors of the first Pseudo Fighters (PF's). Pseudo Fighters are small gunboats with excellent regenerative firepower similar to starships, but they're much cheaper to build. They carry minimal shielding as well as Disruptors and Phasers. ||The Lyran Star Empire, unlike most races, is a matriarchal society. Lyrans are feline humanoids of Herculean strength, though only slightly larger than humans. ||Lyran disposition is similar to that of Klingons. They are fierce and passionate, with an intense love of combat. Their government is distinctly feudal in nature. ||Lyran ships are fast and bristling with weapons, but are generally underpowered. Lyrans rely heavily on the use of disruptors for their medium range weapons, and a powerful but short range weapon called an Expanding Sphere Generator. ||The ESG is used as a defensive weapon, sweeping away enemy missiles and fighters, and as an offensive weapon, allowing the Lyran ship to ram its target. |HydVOText|The Hydran starship is the master of the knife fight, specializing in fighting an opponent at close range. Their ships are built extremely well and are capable of taking substantial internal damage before they lose critical systems. Hydrans are unique in that most of their starships carry Fighters, making them dangerous and unpredictable opponents - unless the Fighters have been eliminated. ||The Hydran Kingdom is inhabited by a single race, the Hydrans. They are one of the more 'alien' dominant races in the known galaxy. ||They have three sexes and breathe methane. They generally inhabit the type of planets that other races avoid. ||Despite their odd appearance, Hydrans are almost human in terms of their philosophy and disposition. In general, they don't attack unless provoked, and are more interested in scientific exploration than territorial expansion. ||They have two heavy weapons, the Hellbore and the Fusion Beam. Fusion beams are very short ranged. Hellbores can envelope the shields of the target, doing the most damage to the weakest shield. ||Most ships of the Kingdom are also equipped with small fighter-craft. Hydrans rely heavily on their fighters. |GonVOText|Huge and ponderous, Gorn ships are the least maneuverable vessels known to travel space. Many captains have been tempted to sneak up on a Gorn starship, and many have tried; but these immense, slow vessels are also heavily armed with Plasma Torpedoes and Phasers - pointing in just about every direction. The Gorn ship may not be able to turn quickly, but it seldom needs to; it's generally already got something very frightening pointing at you. ||The Gorn Confederation is composed of three nearly identical reptilian races. Gorns stand nearly nine feet tall and weigh over 400 pounds. ||They are generally not aggressive unless provoked, and tend to be highly territorial. The Gorn fleet is small, but made up of high quality ships. ||Like the Romulans, the Gorn use plasma torpedoes for their heavy weapon to accompany their phasers. Because their big weapon is the plasma torpedo, the Gorn ships need to get in close to be most effective. ||Gorn ships are very difficult to damage, with many redundant systems and large hulls. Gorns are also very dangerous in hand-to-hand combat, and carry more marines than usual. |ISCVOText|The sight of an ISC formation of warships and carrier groups is a daunting prospect. The ISC's ships typically have superior weapons arcs to the front and side but are less well-defended from the rear. The ISC avoid displaying their weak side by flying in formation, and they also have an unusual rear-firing Plasma (Plasma I) that functions as a point defense weapons system. |MirVOText|On approaching a Mirak starship, one is immediately struck by... missiles. Many, many missiles. The Mirak have mastered the dark art of expendable, throwaway weaponry. Their ships offer only fair maneuverability but are fitted with decent, well-balanced shielding that will absorb a good deal of punishment. And they carry a lot of Missiles. They really do. |OrnVOText|Orion is actually a member of the United Federation of Planets, however the government turns its head away from an extensive and active -- yet completely unofficial Orion Pirate faction. ||The Orion Pirates are entrepreneurial, either as smugglers or mercenaries. Their ships are generally smaller and less sturdy, but with option mounts that allow the pirate to customize his ship. ||All pirate ships have their engines revamped to enable the legendary 'engine doubling' technique that doubles the energy output at the expense of engine stability and longevity. Some Orions have access to a cloaking device. An Orion is a dangerous opponent. |MaxCourse|The total allotment of course changes from your base sector have been exhausted. |ForbidSect|You are forbidden to move further into enemy sectors! |RaceEmpires|United Federation of Planets ||Klingon Empire ||Romulan Star Empire ||Lyran Star Empire ||Hydran Kingdom ||Gorn Confederation ||Interstellar Concordium ||Mirak Star League ||Orion Pirate Cartels ||Empire |EndCampaignText|[PLAYER_RANK]: On the behalf of [PLAYER_RACE_COMMAND], congratulations on a long and successful career. You have proven yourself to be a commander of some distinction. ||With that notice, you find yourself retired. It's better than the desk job they offered, but not quite the ending to your career you thought possible so many years ago. ||Your ship has been destroyed and you are dead. ||[PLAYER_RANK] [PLAYER_NAME] has been killed in the line of duty. ||Your forces have been destroyed, your empire lies in ruins and you have been killed in action. ||[PLAYER_RANK] [PLAYER_NAME]: Killed in Action, [STARDATE]. |GameOver|Game Over. |CARTOT|CAREER TOTALS: |FinCarPres| Final Career Prestige: |FinRan| Final Rank: [PLAYER_RANK] |FinEliRan| Final Elite Rank: [PLAYER_FACTION] |TotMed| Total Medals: |defended| defended: |crippled| crippled: |captured| captured: |destroyed| destroyed: |FighterTypes|Patrol ||Intercept ||Heavy ||Assault |EliteDialog|None ||The [PLAYER_FACTION] is impressed with your performance. They wish to offer you a position in their ranks. If you enter the [PLAYER_FACTION], you can expect special missions that carry a higher level of risk but the chance for greater prestige. Do you accept? ||Congratulations, [PLAYER_RANK]. You are now part of the [PLAYER_FACTION]. You will be contacted shortly with your first assignment. ||The [PLAYER_FACTION] understands your concern. This offer will remain open only for a limited time. If you change your mind, you can join them by going to the Rank and Medals screen. ||The offer to join up with the [PLAYER_FACTION] will not last for much longer. If you wish to join, now is the time. See the Rank and Medals screen. ||[PLAYER_RANK] [PLAYER_NAME], you have been expelled from the [PLAYER_FACTION] for conduct unbecoming. Your services for special missions are no longer required. ||To: [PLAYER_RANK] [PLAYER_NAME]. ||From: [PLAYER_RACE_COMMAND]. ||For actions consistent with the needs and goals of [PLAYER_RACE_COMMAND], you are hereby promoted to the rank of [PLAYER_RANK]. Continue your good work. |WarAnnounce|The %RaceEmpires:PlayerRace% is not currently engaged in a declared war. ||The %RaceEmpires:PlayerRace% is currently at war with the %RaceEmpires:Enemy1%. ||The %RaceEmpires:PlayerRace% is currently at war with the %RaceEmpires:Enemy1% and the %RaceEmpires:Enemy2%. ||The %RaceEmpires:PlayerRace% is currently at war with the %RaceEmpires:Enemy1%, the %RaceEmpires:Enemy2% and the %RaceEmpires:Enemy3%. ||The %RaceEmpires:PlayerRace% is currently at war with the %RaceEmpires:Enemy1%, the %RaceEmpires:Enemy2%, the %RaceEmpires:Enemy3% and the %RaceEmpires:Enemy4%. |AlliesAnnounce|The closest ally of the %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% is the %RaceEmpires:Ally1%. ||The allies of the %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% are the %RaceEmpires:Ally1% and the %RaceEmpires:Ally2%. ||The allies of the %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% are the %RaceEmpires:Ally1%, %RaceEmpires:Ally2% and the %RaceEmpires:Ally3%. ||The allies of the %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% are the %RaceEmpires:Ally1%, %RaceEmpires:Ally2%, %RaceEmpires:Ally3% and the %RaceEmpires:Ally4%. |WUnconSurr| The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is lost. || The %RaceEmpires:PlayerRace% is about to surrender to the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy%. |WImpendDef| The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is going very poorly and is nearing total defeat. || The %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% cannot hold out much longer against the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy%. |WStratLoss| The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is going poorly and the enemy is advancing deep in our territory. || The %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% have advanced deep into %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% territory. |WTactRev| We are suffering losses in the war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% and it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold off the enemy. || The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is starting to advance into %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% space. |WarStale1| We are holding our ground in the war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy%, but we are not making any progress toward victory. || War continues to rage along the %RaceName:PlayerRace%-%RaceName:Enemy% border. |WarStale2| We are not having success in our attacks against the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy%, but neither are they. || War continues to rage along the %RaceName:PlayerRace%-%RaceName:Enemy% border. |WLimSuccs| The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is going fairly well, and things are clearly in our favor. || The %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% are starting to advance into %RaceName:Enemy% space. |WTideTurn| The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is being fought entirely in their space. || The %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace% have advanced deep into %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% territory. |WRoadVic| The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is being fought deep in their space and victory is near. || The %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% cannot hold out much longer against the %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace%. |WTotalVic| The war with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% is won! || The %RaceEmpires:Enemy% is about to surrender to the %RaceNamePlural:PlayerRace%. |EconRuin| The %RaceName:Race% economy is in ruin. |EconCollapse| The %RaceName:Race% economy is in a state of collapse. |EconDecay| The %RaceName:Race% economy is in a state of decay. |EconDecline| The %RaceName:Race% economy is in a state of decline. |EconUpheav| The %RaceName:Race% economy is in a state of upheaval. |EconStag| The %RaceName:Race% economy is stagnating. |EconSlowGr| The %RaceName:Race% economy is healthy and growing slowly. |EconStdyGr| The %RaceName:Race% economy is healthy and growing steadily. |EconRpdGr| The %RaceName:Race% economy is healthy and growing rapidly. |EconThriving| The %RaceName:Race% economy is thriving. |RelIncidents| There have been incidents with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy%. |RelHostile| Relations with the %RaceNamePlural:Enemy% are quite hostile. |Contacting| ...Receiving orders. || Contacting Starfleet... || Contacting High Council... || Contacting Senate... || Contacting Clan Elders... || Contacting His Highness... || Contacting Navy Command... |LoadingModels| ...Loading Ship Models... |NoMission|Mission not available. |RankNames|none ||Rookie ||Junior ||Senior ||Veteran ||Legendary |Earth|Earth |Gorn One|Gorn One |Gorn Lux|Gorn Lux |Gorn Slith|Gorn Slith |Hydran Hydra|Hydra |ISC Prime|ISC Prime |Klinzhai|Klinzhai |Lyra|Lyra |Mirak1|Mirak |Romulus|Romulus |Remus|Remus |Unknown|Unknown |Luxury Liner|Luxury Liner |Presidental Lin|Presidental Transport |SB Fighter|Star Base - Fighter |BS Fighter|Base Station - Fighter |BT Fighter|Battle Station - Fighter |Base Station - |Base Station - PF |Battle Station |Battle Station - PF |Star Base - PF|Star Base - PF |Auxiliary PF Te|Auxiliary PF Tender |Small Phaser-Ar|Small Phaser-Armed Freighter |Small Q Ship|Small Q Ship |Small Drone-Arm|Small Drone-Armed Freighter |Large Q Ship|Large Q Ship |Large Phaser-Ar|Large Phaser-Armed Freighter |Large Drone-Arm|Large Drone-Armed Freighter |Police Carrier|Police Carrier |Frigate|Frigate |Improved Frigat|Improved Frigate |Drone Frigate|Drone Frigate |Commando Frigat|Commando Frigate |Battle Frigate|Battle Frigate |War Destroyer|War Destroyer |War Drone Destr|War Drone Destroyer |Commando War De|Commando War Destroyer |Command War Des|Command War Destroyer |Destroyer|Destroyer |Guided Weapons |Guided Weapons Destroyer |New Light Cruis|New Light Cruiser |New Drone Cruis|New Drone Cruiser |New Commando Tr|New Commando Transport |Light Command C|Light Command Cruiser |New Heavy Cruis|New Heavy Cruiser |New Heavy Comma|New Heavy Command Cruiser |Hospital Ship|Hospital Ship |Heavy Cruiser|Heavy Cruiser |Heavy Drone Cru|Heavy Drone Cruiser |Command Cruiser|Command Cruiser |Heavy Command C|Heavy Command Cruiser |Battlecruiser (|Battlecruiser (Kirov Class) ||Battlecruiser (Bismarck Class) ||Battlecruiser (New Jersey Class) |Fire Support Cr|Fire Support Cruiser |Battlecruiser E|Heavy Battlecruiser (Excelsior Class) |Dreadnought|Dreadnought |Improved Dreadn|Improved Dreadnought |Heavy Dreadnoug|Heavy Dreadnought |Battleship|Battleship |Base Station|Base Station |Battle Station|Battle Station |Star Base|Star Base |Science Station|Science Station |Small Disruptor|Small Disruptor-Armed Freighter |Large Disruptor|Large Disruptor-Armed Freighter |Escort|Escort |Drone Escort|Drone Escort |Commando Escort|Commando Escort |Cloaking Escort|Cloaking Escort |Battle Escort|Battle Escort |Frigate Leader|Frigate Leader |Cloaking Frigat|Cloaking Frigate |War Destroyer L|War Destroyer Leader |War Cruiser|War Cruiser |War Drone Cruis|War Drone Cruiser |War Commando Cr|War Commando Cruiser |War Command Cru|War Command Cruiser |War Cloaking Cr|War Cloaking Cruiser |New Command Cru|New Command Cruiser |Battlecruiser|Battlecruiser |Drone Battlecru|Drone Battlecruiser |Commando Cruise|Commando Cruiser |Command Battlec|Command Battlecruiser |Heavy Battlecru|Heavy Battlecruiser |Super Battleshi|Super Battleship |Small Plasma-Ar|Small Plasma-Armed Freighter |Large Plasma-Ar|Large Plasma-Armed Freighter |Snipe-A Frigate|Snipe-A Frigate |Snipe-B Battle |Snipe-B Battle Frigate |SeaHawk-A Friga|SeaHawk-A Frigate |SeaHawk-G Comma|SeaHawk-G Commando Frigate |SeaHawk-L Friga|SeaHawk-L Frigate Leader |SkyHawk-A Destr|SkyHawk-A Destroyer |SkyHawk-G Comma|SkyHawk-G Commando Destroyer |SkyHawk-L Destr|SkyHawk-L Destroyer Leader |Warbird Cruiser|Warbird Cruiser |BattleHawk Dest|BattleHawk Destroyer |Commando Hawk|Commando Hawk |SparrowHawk-A L|SparrowHawk-A Light Cruiser |SparrowHawk-G C|SparrowHawk-G Commando Cruiser |SparrowHawk-L L|SparrowHawk-L Light Command Cruiser |SparrowHawk-J A|SparrowHawk-J Assault Cruiser |SparrowHawk-Z A|SparrowHawk-Z Acceleration Cruiser |War Eagle Cruis|War Eagle Cruiser |Commando Eagle|Commando Eagle |King Eagle Comm|King Eagle Command Cruiser |FireHawk-A Heav|FireHawk-A Heavy Cruiser |FireHawk-K Heav|FireHawk-K Heavy Cruiser |NovaHawk-K Comm|NovaHawk-K Command Cruiser |RegalHawk-K Hea|RegalHawk-K Heavy Cruiser |RoyalHawk-K Com|RoyalHawk-K Command Cruiser |KillerHawk Supe|KillerHawk Super-Heavy Cruiser |Condor Dreadnou|Condor Dreadnought |Praetor Heavy D|Praetor Heavy Dreadnought |King Condor Bat|King Condor Battleship |Cruiser|Cruiser |Small Fusion-Ar|Small Fusion-Armed Freighter |Large Fusion-Ar|Large Fusion-Armed Freighter |Stinger-1 Fight|Stinger-1 Fighter |Stinger-2 Fight|Stinger-2 Fighter |Stinger-H Fight|Stinger-H Fighter |Stinger-A Fight|Stinger-A Fighter |Hunter Frigate|Hunter Frigate |Commando Hunter|Commando Hunter Frigate |Cuirassier Frig|Cuirassier Frigate |Rhino Hunter Wa|Rhino Hunter War Destroyer |Crusader Frigat|Crusader Frigate Leader |Lion Hunter Des|Lion Hunter Destroyer Leader |Lancer Destroye|Lancer Destroyer |Commando Lancer|Commando Lancer |Count Destroyer|Count Destroyer Leader |Horseman War Cr|Horseman War Cruiser |Cataphract Comm|Cataphract Commando Cruiser |Mongol Medium C|Mongol Medium Cruiser |Comanche Medium|Comanche Medium Command Cruiser |Mohawk New Heav|Mohawk New Heavy Cruiser |Knight Destroye|Knight Destroyer |Earl Destroyer |Earl Destroyer Leader |Warrior Destroy|Warrior Destroyer Leader |Traveler Light |Traveler Light Cruiser |Baron Light Com|Baron Light Command Cruiser |Tartar Medium C|Tartar Medium Cruiser |Apache Medium C|Apache Medium Command Cruiser |Iroquois New He|Iroquois New Heavy Cruiser |Cheyenne New He|Cheyenne New Heavy Cruiser |Sioux New Comma|Sioux New Command Cruiser |Ranger Cruiser|Ranger Cruiser |Lord Commander |Lord Commander Command Cruiser |Lord Marshal Co|Lord Marshal Command Cruiser |Lord Admiral Co|Lord Admiral Command Cruiser |Dragoon Cruiser|Dragoon Cruiser |Lord Bishop Com|Lord Bishop Command Cruiser |Lord Cardinal H|Lord Cardinal Heavy Command Cruiser |Overlord Battle|Overlord Battlecruiser |Modified Klingo|Modified Klingon Battlecruiser |Paladin Dreadno|Paladin Dreadnought |Paladin Heavy D|Paladin Heavy Dreadnought |Monarch Battles|Monarch Battleship |Cheetah Frigate|Cheetah Frigate |AlleyCat War De|AlleyCat War Destroyer |Leopard Destroy|Leopard Destroyer |Commando Destro|Commando Destroyer |Jaguar War Crui|Jaguar War Cruiser |Commando War Cr|Commando War Cruiser |War Cruiser Lea|War Cruiser Leader |King Jaguar New|King Jaguar New Heavy Cruiser |Panther Light C|Panther Light Cruiser |Tiger Heavy Cru|Tiger Heavy Cruiser |Bengal Tiger Co|Bengal Tiger Command Cruiser |Java Tiger Heav|Java Tiger Heavy Command Cruiser |Wildcat Battlec|Wildcat Battlecruiser |Hellcat Heavy B|Hellcat Heavy Battlecruiser |ESG Global Oper|ESG Global Operations Cruiser |Lion Dreadnough|Lion Dreadnought |Cave Lion Battl|Cave Lion Battleship |Fleet Destroyer|Fleet Destroyer |Destroyer Leade|Destroyer Leader |Battle Destroye|Battle Destroyer ||Battle Destroyer Leader |Battle Commando|Battle Commando Destroyer ||Battle Commando Raider |Heavy Destroyer|Heavy Destroyer |Heavy Commando |Heavy Commando Destroyer |Heavy Command D|Heavy Command Destroyer |Medium Cruiser|Medium Cruiser |Strike Cruiser|Strike Cruiser |Medium Command |Medium Command Cruiser |Light Cruiser|Light Cruiser |Light Commando |Light Commando Cruiser |Fast Battlecrui|Fast Battlecruiser |Privateer-class|Privateer-class Light Raider |Plunderer-class|Plunderer-class Double Raider |Outlaw-class Wa|Outlaw-class War Destroyer |Raider-class Li|Raider-class Light Cruiser |Medium Raider-c|Medium Raider-class Cruiser |Heavy Raider-cl|Heavy Raider-class Cruiser |Attack Raider-c|Attack Raider-class Cruiser |Assassin-class |Assassin-class War Cruiser |Master Assassin|Master Assassin-class New Heavy Cruiser |Hellraiser-clas|Hellraiser-class Double Raider Cruiser |Marauder-class |Marauder-class Heavy Cruiser |Heavy Marauder-|Heavy Marauder-class Battlecruiser |Executioner-cla|Executioner-class Heavy Battlecruiser |Godfather-class|Godfather-class Dreadnought |Shuttle|Shuttle |Patrol-class Li|Patrol-class Light Raider |Police Ship|Police Ship |Police Gunboat|Police Gunboat |Police Gunboat |Police Gunboat Leader |Snipe-P Police |Snipe-P Police Ship |Gendarme Police|Gendarme Police Ship |Military Police|Military Police Ship |Police Frigate|Police Frigate |Ranger Tutorial|Ranger Tutorial Cruiser |Cargo Box|Cargo Box |Auxiliary Small|Auxiliary Large Carrier |Auxiliary Large|Auxiliary Large Carrier |Miranda Class|New Heavy Cruiser (Miranda Class) |Heavy Cruiser I|Heavy Cruiser Improved |Heavy Carrier|Heavy Carrier |Space Control S|Space Control Ship |Plasma Dreadnou|Plasma Dreadnought |Battle Carrier|Battle Carrier |Galactic Survey|Galactic Survey Cruiser |Light Carrier|Light Carrier |Strike Carrier|Strike Carrier |Tournament Comm|Tournament Command Cruiser |New Light Carri|New Light Carrier |New Escort Crui|New Escort Cruiser |New Light Carri|New Light Carrier |New Strike Carr|New Strike Carrier |New Aegis Cruis|New Aegis Cruiser |New Scout Cruis|New Scout Cruiser |Frigate Escort|Frigate Escort |Bird of Prey|Bird of Prey |Battlecruiser K|Battlecuiser (K'tinga Class) |Superheavy Carr|Superheavy Carrier |Light Dreadnoug|Light Dreadnought |Battle Carrier|Battle Carrier |Survey Cruiser|Survey Cruiser |Battle Carrier|Battle Carrier |Survey Cruiser|Survey Cruiser |Heavy Scout Cru|Heavy Scout Cruiser |Carrier|Carrier |Scout Cruiser|Scout Cruiser |Escort Cruiser|Escort Cruiser |Scout|Scout |Carrier Escort|Carrier Escort |King Vulture Ea|King Vulture Early DN |Romulan Optimiz|Romulan Optimized Condor |Exploration Cru|Exploration Cruiser |SuperHawk-A Com|SuperHawk-A Command Cruiser |Exploration Cru|Exploration Cruiser |PF Tender|PF Tender |Scout Eagle|Scout Eagle |Tournament King|Tournament King Eagle |Tournament Crui|Tournament Cruiser |Tournament Fire|Tournament Firehawk |SparrowHawk-C S|SparrowHawk-C Scout Cruiser |SparrowHawk-E P|SparrowHawk-E PF Tender |ChickenHawk PF |ChickenHawk PF Tender |SkyHawk-F Scout|SkyHawk-F Scout |SkyHawk-C PF Te|SkyHawk-C PF Tender |SeaHawk-C Scout|SeaHawk-C Scout Frigate |Prairie Cat Sur|Prairie Cat Survey Ship |Ocelot Scout|Ocelot Scout |PF Tender|PF Tender |War PF Tender|War PF Tender |War Destroyer S|War Destroyer Scout |Monarch-V Heavy|Monarch-V Heavy Carrier |Iron Duke Fleet|Iron Duke Fleet Carrier |Iron Chancellor|Iron Chancellor CVA |Overseer Battle|Overseer Battle Carrier |Cavalier Heavy |Cavalier Heavy Carrier |Tournament Lord|Tournament Lord Marshal |Chasseur New Sc|Chasseur New Scout Cruiser |Trooper New Lig|Trooper New Light Carrier |Cossack Medium |Cossack Medium Carrier |Outrider Survey|Outrider Survey Ship |Uhlan Carrier|Uhlan Carrier |Destroyer Escor|Destroyer Escort |Scythian Escort|Scythian Escort Carrier |Escort Hunter F|Escort Hunter Frigate |Early Dreadnoug|Early Dreadnought |Light Dreadnoug|Light Dreadnought |PF Dreadnought|PF Dreadnought |Large Scout|Large Scout |Torpedo Dreadno|Torpedo Dreadnought |Star Cruiser|Star Cruiser |Flagship Cruise|Flagship Cruiser |Fleet Carrier|Fleet Carrier |Early Star Crui|Early Star Cruiser |Early Flagship |Early Flagship Cruiser |Armored Cruiser|Armored Cruiser |Light Strike Ca|Light Strike Carrier |Heavy Scout|Heavy Scout |Early Survey Cr|Early Survey Cruiser |Early Light Cru|Early Light Cruiser |Constabulary Fl|Constabulary Flagship |Escort Carrier|Escort Carrier |Plasma G Destro|Plasma G Destroyer |Early Destroyer|Early Destroyer |Early Frigate|Early Frigate |Police Corvette|Police Corvette |Police Flagship|Police Flagship |Escort Frigate|Escort Frigate |Drone Dreadnoug|Drone Dreadnought |Drone Cruiser|Drone Cruiser |Strike Carrier|Strike Carrier |Medium Drone Cr|Medium Drone Cruiser |Medium Escort C|Medium Escort Cruiser |Medium Commando|Medium Commando Cruiser |Medium Carrier|Medium Carrier |Escort Carrier |Escort Carrier (Refit) |Light Cruiser (|Light Cruiser (Refit) |Medium Escort C|Medium Escort Cruiser (Refit) |Medium Cruiser |Medium Cruiser (Refit) |Destroyer Carri|Destroyer Carrier |Destroyer (Refi|Destroyer (Refit) |War Destroyer E|War Destroyer Escort |Mobile Carrier|Mobile Carrier |Scout Frigate|Scout Frigate |Heavy Frigate|Heavy Frigate |Scout Drone Fri|Scout Drone Frigate |Frigate (Refit)|Frigate (Refit) |Aegis Escort Fr|Aegis Escort Frigate |Heavy Frigate (|Heavy Frigate (Refit) |Improved Scout |Improved Scout Drone Frigate |Strike Carrier |Strike Carrier (Refit) |Light Carrier (|Light Carrier (Refit) |Merchant Carrie|Auxiliary Merchant Carrier |Large Merchant |Large Merchant Ship |Medium Merchant|Medium Merchant Ship |Small Merchant |Small Merchant Ship |Small Freighter|Small Freighter |Large Freighter|Large Freighter |POWER DRONE|power missile |DRONE|missile |POWER PH3|power ph3 |SHIELD PH3|shield ph3 |PH1|ph1 |SHIELD PH3 DRON|shield ph3 missile |SHIELD PH3 POWE|shield ph3 power |SHIELD|Shield |SHIELD ADD|Shield ADD |CLOAK|Cloak |PH3|Ph3 |SHIELD PLAS|Shield PLaS |PLAF PH3|PLaF Ph3 |PLAG ARC|PlaG Arc |PLAS|PLaS |SHIELD POWER PH|Shield Power Ph1 |SHIELD PH1|Shield ph1 |POWER PH1|Power Ph1 |POWER|Power |SHIELD BATTERY|Shield Battery |PLAF PH3 POWER|PLaF Ph3 Power |PLAG ARC PH1|PLaG ARC Ph1 |PLAF ARC|PLaF ARC |BattleReport|Battle Report for |AvailText|is NOT available on this machine. ||is available on this machine. |trnasEntry|Choose from among the available multiplayer transport options below. |IP|TCP/IP %AvailText:Availability% ||Maximum Players: %numPlayers% ||Select this to play over a TCP/IP Internet connection. |Serial|Serial %AvailText:Availability% ||Maximum Players: %numPlayers% ||Select this to play through a serial (COM) port. |IPX|IPX %AvailText:Availability% ||Maximum Players: %numPlayers% ||Select this to play over a LAN - Local Area Network. |Internet|Internet %AvailText:Availability% ||Maximum Players: %numPlayers% ||Select this to connect to join an Internet Lobby. |Modem|Modem %AvailText:Availability% ||Maximum Players: %numPlayers% ||Select this to play over a modem. |TransName|TCP/IP ||Serial ||IPX ||Internet ||Modem |TransEnabled|Unable to start a %TransName:Transport% game ||Starting a %TransName:Transport% game.... |SessionEntry|To CREATE a game, enter a game name (top left), then press CREATE. To JOIN a game, pick from among those available, and then press JOIN. |SessionError|Duplicate game name. Please enter a different name. ||You must first choose a game! To JOIN a game, pick from among those available (above), and then press JOIN (far right). ||Please specify a session name! ||Can not create a session. Please check your connection. |MultiEntryStandard|Typing "/HELP" activates this screen. |MultiEntry|Typing "/HELP" activates this screen. |MultiError|You need more than 1 player to start! ||Over the BPV limit!! Try again with another ship or fleet. ||Over the team BPV limit. Try again with another ship or fleet. ||Choose a ship first by clicking a Select button on the right. ||Click "Confirm" will close the session you created and go back to previous screen. All players in the session will be rejected to the previous screen, too. If you change your mind, don't click on "Confirm" button, and it'll disappear momentarily. ||Click "Confirm" will bring both players back to "Network Setup" screen. The modem connection will be disconnected and the host has to create a new game. If you change your mind, don't click on "Confirm" button, and it'll disappear momentarily. ||There are not enough CDs in this game. One CD supports %numPlayers% players. Please insert your game CD into the CD-ROM and check "Ready" again. ||Please press READY button!! |MultiHelp|Please enter a game Time between 1 - 60 minutes. |AIPlayers|Plato ||Liu ||Socrates ||Aristotle ||Sun Tzu |JoinStatus|Joining game in progress. Please wait. ||Failure to join the game. The most common causes are that the host shut down the session, or the host has banned you. ||Cancel joining game ||Joining game Time out ||Player Left: %playerName% ||Waiting for other players ||Please wait for the host to create the game ||Sorry. The game started already. Please join another game. ||Your game version is different from this game ||Please enter the password to join this game |ModemStatus|Dialing %phoneNum% ||Prepare Modem ||Connecting ||Connected ||Modem Connection Failed ||Modem Connection Lost ||Please enter a phone number |LAN|Local Area Network |MigrateHost|Host left... New Host: %playerName% |RejectPlayer|Rejecting player -- %playerName% |NoMission|No missions available. |GameEra|Early ||Middle ||Late |GameVerWarning|The host has older version of the game ||Please upgrade your game |SessionInfo|<not available> ||Scenario: %scenario% ||Map: %map% ||Game Speed: %speed% ||Technology: %tech% ||BPV Limit: %bpv% ||WARNING: GAME VERSION IS INCONSISTENT! |SelectShip|%playerName% is selecting fleet... |PlayerListErr|Fail to get player list |CloseSession|Closing Session. Please wait. TransporterItems - match eTransporterItems in transporter.h MarineDude and CaptainDude are used because Captain and Marine are reserved - DTP |tTransItems|NoTransItem ||GornEgg ||SparePart ||Captain ||Key ||Dilithium ||GravTank ||MarineDude ||HarryMudd ||InfiltrationTeam ||NovaMine ||RomulanAle ||Tribble ||Artifact ||CaptainDude ||WeaponSchematic ||MedicalSupplies ||AwayTeam ||Diplomat ||InjuredDude ||MedicineJar ||Scientists ||LifePodDude ||DeathPlague ||BlackBox ||PsionicDisruptor ||IonicProjector ||Engineers ||Prisoner ||Star