OP+ Statistics

Compare of shiplists

Number of ships

  • The original SFC:OP shiplist has 2370 ship entries.
  • The OP Plus Refit 4.0 shiplist has 5958 ship entries.
  • The OP Plus Refit 4.1 shiplist has 8260 ship entries.



# ships in

OP+ 4.0

# ships in

OP+ 4.1

Federation 185 433 586
Gorn 153 320 453
Hydran 159 459 514
ISC 153 348 461
Klingon 193 466 635
Lyran 221 520 632
Mirak 153 463 603
Romulan 180 394 572
Monster 20 20 38
Neutral 88 189 195
Orion 134 257 438
OrionBeastRaiders 105 269 391
OrionCamboro 90 258 409
OrionKorgath 98 264 406
OrionOrion 96 268 408
OrionPrime 90 252 365
OrionSyndicate 90 257 370
OrionTigerHeart 79 285 421
OrionWyldeFire 83 230 363