OP+ 4.1 ShipList Swapper NSIS source code

; opplus_41_shiplist_swapper.nsi

; The name of the installer
Name "OP+ 4.1 ShipList Swapper"

; The File to write
OutFile "opplus_41_shiplist_swapper.exe"

; The default installation directory
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFileS\Taldren Software Inc.\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates"

; detect SFC:OP path from uninstall string if available
InstallDirRegKey HKLM \
                 "SOFTWARE\Taldren\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates" \

; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
DirText "Please select your SFC:OP path below:"

; Silly Vista and Windows 7 
RequestExecutionLevel admin

;Page custom splashImage "" ": Splash Image"
;Page license
Page components
Page instFiles

!ifndef NOINSTTYPES ; only if not defined
  InstType "Switch to OP+ 4.1"
  InstType "Switch to OP+ 4.0"
  InstType "Switch to OP stock shiplist files"
#  InstType /NOCUSTOM

; don't show HD space data
SpaceTexts none

; automatically close the installer when done.
; AutoCloseWindow true

; hide the "show details" box
; ShowInstDetails nevershow

;SetCompressor /final /solid lzma
;SetCompressorDictSize 20
;SetDateSave off
SetCompressor zlib

Section "Switch to OP+ 4.1" opplus41
  SectionIn 1

  ; Installs to all users
  SetShellVarContext all

  ; Step 0 -- if already installed, recommend to uninstall previous opplus, and abort
  ; IfFileExists File_to_check_for jump_if_present [jump_otherwise]
  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\opplus41\shiplist.txt" FileFound noFilefound

  ; Step 1- Fix file attributes
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets\shiplist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets\ftrlist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs\shiplist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs\ftrlist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings\strings.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings\shipnames.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\models\model.siz" NORMAL

  ; Step 2- Copy over files from OP+ 4.1
  ; Set output path to the installation directory.
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\shiplist.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\ftrlist.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\shiplist.txt" "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\ftrlist.txt" "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\strings.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\shipnames.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\model.siz" "$INSTDIR\Assets\models"

  Goto end

  MessageBox MB_OK "OP+ 4.1 shiplist.txt file is MISSING. Reinstall??"


Section "Switch to OP+ 4.0" opplus40
  SectionIn 2

  ; Installs to all users
  SetShellVarContext all

  ; Step 0 -- if already installed, recommend to uninstall previous opplus, and abort
  ; IfFileExists File_to_check_for jump_if_present [jump_otherwise]
  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\opplus\shiplist.txt" FileFound noFilefound

  ; Step 1- Fix file attributes
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets\shiplist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets\ftrlist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs\shiplist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs\ftrlist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings\strings.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings\shipnames.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\models\model.siz" NORMAL

  ; Step 2- Copy over files from OP+ 4.0
  ; Set output path to the installation directory.
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus\shiplist.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus\ftrlist.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus\shiplist.txt" "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus\ftrlist.txt" "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus\strings.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus\shipnames.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus\model.siz" "$INSTDIR\Assets\models"

  Goto end

  MessageBox MB_OK "OP+ 4.0 shiplist.txt file is MISSING. Reinstall??"


Section "Switch to OP stock shiplist files" opstock2552
  SectionIn 3

  ; Installs to all users
  SetShellVarContext all

  ; Step 0 -- if already installed, recommend to uninstall previous opplus, and abort
  ; IfFileExists File_to_check_for jump_if_present [jump_otherwise]
  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\shiplist.txt" FileFound noFilefound

  ; Step 1- Fix file attributes
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets\shiplist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets\ftrlist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs\shiplist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs\ftrlist.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings\strings.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings\shipnames.txt" NORMAL
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\Assets\models\model.siz" NORMAL

  ; Step 2- Copy over files from OP+ 4.0
  ; Set output path to the installation directory.
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\shiplist.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\ftrlist.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Specs"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\shiplist.txt" "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\ftrlist.txt" "$INSTDIR\MetaAssets"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\strings.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\shipnames.txt" "$INSTDIR\Assets\strings"
  CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$INSTDIR\opplus41\original_files_2552\model.siz" "$INSTDIR\Assets\models"

  Goto end

  MessageBox MB_OK "Cannot find shiplist.txt file from OP+ 4.1. Reinstall OP+ 4.1?"


# defines for newer versions
!include Sections.nsh
# SECTION_OFF is defined in Sections.nsh as 0xFFFFFFFE
!define SECTION_ON ${SF_SELECTED} # 0x1
# defines for 2.0b0 and below
#!define SECTION_ON 0x80000000

Function .onInit

  ; call userInfo plugin to get user info.  The plugin puts the result in the stack
  ; pop the result from the stack into $0
  pop $0
  ; compare the result with the string "Admin" to see if the user is admin.
  strCmp $0 "Admin" user_is_admin abort_user_is_not_admin

    MessageBox MB_OK "You must be an Administrator to install this software."


  ; --------------- and now we set up section state
	Push $0
	StrCpy $1 ${opplus41} ; Gotta remember which section we are at now...
	SectionGetFlags ${opplus41} $0
	IntOp $0 $0 | ${SECTION_ON}
	SectionSetFlags ${opplus41} $0
	SectionGetFlags ${opplus40} $0
	IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_OFF}
	SectionSetFlags ${opplus40} $0

	SectionGetFlags ${opstock2552} $0
	IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_OFF}
	SectionSetFlags ${opstock2552} $0

  Pop $0

Function .onSelChange
  Push $0
  ; Turn off old selected section
  SectionGetFlags $1 $0
  IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_OFF}
  SectionSetFlags $1 $0
  ; Now remember the current selection
  Push $2
  StrCpy $2 $1
  SectionGetFlags ${opplus41} $0
  IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_ON}
  IntCmp $0 ${SECTION_ON} 0 +2 +2
    StrCpy $1 ${opplus41}
  SectionGetFlags ${opplus40} $0
  IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_ON}
  IntCmp $0 ${SECTION_ON} 0 +2 +2
    StrCpy $1 ${opplus40}
  SectionGetFlags ${opstock2552} $0
  IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_ON}
  IntCmp $0 ${SECTION_ON} 0 +2 +2
    StrCpy $1 ${opstock2552}
  StrCmp $2 $1 0 +4 ; selection hasn't changed
    SectionGetFlags $1 $0
    IntOp $0 $0 | ${SECTION_ON}
    SectionSetFlags $1 $0
  Pop $2
  Pop $0
